The unloading menu: what products will help to lose weight after the holidays

Holidays are over, and the memory of them left not only gifts, but also extra pounds, poor complexion and digestive disorders caused by a series of feasts.
 12:00 01/14/2014 Alexandra Borisova 8867 
The unloading menu: what products will help to lose weight after the holidays
Article from the newspaper: AIF. Health №1-2 10/01/2014
Holidays are over, and the memory of them left not only gifts, but also extra pounds, poor complexion and digestive disorders caused by a series of feasts.
The unloading menu: what products will help to lose weight after the holidays

Holidays are over, and the memory of them left not only gifts, but also extra pounds, poor complexion and digestive disorders caused by a series of feasts. You can get rid of all these consequences of the winter holidays by including the “right” products in your menu.

Got a few extra pounds at the holiday table ? Put on cabbage! This is the best dish for those who want to lose weight. Cabbage leaves contain a lot of fiber, which removes accumulated slags from the body and gives a feeling of fullness without additional calories.
In addition, cabbage contains substances that normalize metabolic processes. That is why many nutritionists advise to complement lunches and dinners with cabbage salad. If at the same time not too abusing flour and sweet, for a month you can easily part with a couple of three pounds.
But even those who are not concerned about the problem of excess weight, it is better to add fatty dishes with a side dish of cabbage.

The fact is that cabbage contains an element called choline, which helps digest fats without harm to the liver and gallbladder. And this is what you need after the New Year holidays . Indeed, during a series of feasts, these bodies experienced an increased load.
Olives and olive oil
Olive oil contains a huge amount of unsaturated fatty acids. They are necessary to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which probably increased during the New Year's feasts .

Olive oil improves digestion, so olives are often served as a snack before lunch. And if you eat 10 olives daily, you can protect yourself from digestive disorders and indigestion, and these problems, after numerous errors in diet, are, alas, not uncommon.

Olives and olives help to neutralize any substances that are toxic to the body: it is no coincidence that they are considered an ideal addition to alcoholic cocktails. So those who in the New Year did not deny themselves strong drinks should support the liver and not neglect the olives.
During the holidays, leaned on fat, and now unable to give up sandwiches? You'll have to love oatmeal, otherwise you risk getting cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
The fact is that a plate of oatmeal, eaten on an empty stomach, creates a kind of lining in the stomach that prevents most of the eaten fat from entering the bloodstream and deposited on the vessel walls, sides and waist. So after a plate of hercules, a sandwich with lard will bring much less damage to the figure and the cardiovascular system. And the chances that you will want to eat a harmful sandwich will remain much less.
Another porridge, which is worth jams New Year's holidays - millet. The elements contained in millet are able to bind and excrete harmful substances from the body, including the decay products of alcohol. In addition, millet is a rich source of potassium, which helps normalize blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels. And that means - to neutralize such a symptom of a hangover as a headache.
100 g of turnip contains only 28 calories, and there are more than enough vitamins in this root vegetable. That is why nutritionists recommend turnips to anyone who wants to lose weight. There is even a special diet, the main dish in which stands a turnip.

“Graduation course” lasts for a month. C reads that, "sitting on a turnip" all this time, you can lose up to 5 kg. The principle of diet is simple: you need to abandon sweets and start each meal with turnip. It is possible to supplement breakfast, lunch and dinner on your own, however, trying to stick to a reasonable framework. If you become a jam turnip cheeseburgers and hot dogs, it is unlikely to lose weight.
The nuts
As American scientists found in the course of their research, people who had eaten 60 grams of any nuts daily for four months had a drop in total cholesterol in the blood by 5%.

Meanwhile, the concentration of the so-called "bad" cholesterol decreased by 7.5%. Researchers also found several interesting patterns. So, for example, the higher the initial concentration of “bad” cholesterol was, the more “acted” the nuts were.
Most of all grapefruit fans are among those who follow the figure (and there are much more of them after the New Year). A few slices of grapefruit, eaten after dinner, can burn some of the calories received during the meal.

Thanks to this feature, grapefruit is so popular among nutritionists who recommend that obese people include it in their diet. Especially since grapefruit is impossible to “overeat” - unlike other citrus fruits, grapefruit almost never causes allergies.
It is possible to remove toxins from the body, rest the stomach, and at the same time you can get rid of extra pounds, if you have a fasting day once or twice a week.
Choose what you like best:
Apples. They are on the discharge day relies no more than 2 kg. To prevent the feeling of hunger, it is better to eat an apple every hour.

Kefir. Everyone who has tried to diet at least once has heard of kefir discharge days that are spent 1-2 times a week. On such days, it is not recommended to eat anything except kefir.

Banana. During the day you can eat 4-5 bananas and drink 2-3 glasses of skimmed milk.
In any of the fasting days it is allowed to drink water in any quantity and fruit teas without sugar